
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lon Po Po by Ed Young

**I retold this story in groups**
Lon Po Po was written and illustrated by Ed Young.
Genre: Juvenile 
Sub-genre: Fiction
Theme: Fairy Tale/Little Red Riding Hood
Primary and Secondary Characters: Shang, Tao, Paotze and Po Po or the wolf, are the primary characters. The mother is the secondary character.
Awards: Caldecott
Publisher and Date of Publication: Scholastic Inc; 1989
Summary and Uses: This story is a version of America's version of Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf disguises himself as Po Po (which is the way the Chinese say grandmother). The children let him in and soon discover he is not their real Po Po. They have to find a way to outsmart the wolf and get him out of the house. This story is written well and the illustrations are wonderful. This story is a great way to incorporate other cultures into the eyes of today's children.


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